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Sopus indexed journals List H

Sopus indexed journals List H

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The Journal Title List includes free journal content that are available for linking from Scopus. You can browse for a journal using the links below. Alternatively, you can perform a search for a specific journal title by following the instructions provided in the search box.

Below is The Collection of All  Journals, by ISSN and Title, as ranked by Scopus.
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P-ISSN                   E-ISSN                    SOURCE TITLE                                        
1854-9829 :  1581-4661 :  Hacquetia
1592-8721 :  0390-6078 :  Haematologica
1365-2516 :  1351-8216 :  Haemophilia
1876-4053 :  1876-4045 :  Hague Journal on the Rule of Law
2348-7372 :  0973-1555 :  Halteres
1758-9991 :  1758-9983 :  Hand Therapy
2468-0672 :  0000-0000 :  HardwareX

1938-2944 :  1043-4534 :  Harvard Papers in Botany
1475-4517 :  0017-8160 :  Harvard Theological Review
2147-2688 :  1302-0072 :  Haseki Tip Bulteni
2165-8242 :  2165-8218 :  Hawai'i journal of medicine & public health : a journal of Asia Pacific Medicine & Public Health
1569-2086 :  1569-2078 :  Hawwa
2008-188X :  1735-2215 :  HAYAT
2086-4094 :  1978-3019 :  HAYATI Journal of Biosciences
1097-0347 :  1043-3074 :  Head and Neck
1936-0568 :  1936-055X :  Head and Neck Pathology
1526-4610 :  0017-8748 :  Headache
1461-7196 :  1363-4593 :  Health
2150-4113 :  1079-0969 :  Health and Human Rights
2194-7899 :  0000-0000 :  Health and Justice
2051-5561 :  2051-5553 :  Health and Social Care Chaplaincy
1545-6854 :  0360-7283 :  Health and Social Work
2190-7196 :  2190-7188 :  Health and Technology
1573-3394 :  1065-3058 :  Health Care Analysis
1096-4665 :  0739-9332 :  Health Care for Women International
1550-5030 :  0361-6274 :  Health Care Management Review
1572-9389 :  1386-9620 :  Health Care Management Science
1550-512X :  1525-5794 :  Health Care Manager
1532-7027 :  1041-0236 :  Health Communication
1099-1050 :  1057-9230 :  Health Economics
2191-1991 :  0000-0000 :  Health Economics Review
1465-3648 :  0268-1153 :  Health Education Research
1369-7625 :  1369-6513 :  Health Expectations
1471-1842 :  1471-1834 :  Health information and libraries journal
1833-3575 :  1833-3583 :  Health Information Management Journal
2047-2501 :  0000-0000 :  Health Information Science and Systems
1545-0864 :  0735-9683 :  Health Marketing Quarterly
1460-2237 :  0268-1080 :  Health Policy and Planning
2368-738X :  0000-0000 :  Health promotion and chronic disease prevention in Canada : research, policy and practice
1460-2245 :  0957-4824 :  Health Promotion International
2055-1029 :  0000-0000 :  Health Psychology Open
1743-7202 :  1743-7199 :  Health Psychology Review
1209-1367 :  0840-6529 :  Health reports / Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Health Information = Rapports sur la sante / Statistique Canada, Centre canadien d'information sur la sante
2308-1163 :  2542-2308 :  Health Risk Analysis
2326-5108 :  2326-5094 :  Health Security
1572-9400 :  1387-3741 :  Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology
1817-6127 :  1817-6119 :  Health systems in transition
1469-8331 :  1369-8575 :  Health, Risk and Society
2213-0772 :  2213-0764 :  Healthcare
2093-369X :  2093-3681 :  Healthcare Informatics Research
2053-3713 :  0000-0000 :  Healthcare Technology Letters
2169-5725 :  2169-5717 :  Hearing, Balance and Communication
1615-2573 :  0910-8327 :  Heart and Vessels
1759-1104 :  2398-5968 :  Heart Asia
1573-7322 :  1382-4147 :  Heart Failure Reviews
2036-2579 :  1826-1868 :  Heart International
1444-2892 :  1443-9506 :  Heart Lung and Circulation
1522-6662 :  1098-3511 :  Heart Surgery Forum
1523-1496 :  1099-2871 :  Heat Transfer - Asian Research
1572-8498 :  0956-2737 :  HEC Forum
1523-5378 :  1083-4389 :  Helicobacter
1935-0228 :  0160-0923 :  Helios
2405-8440 :  0000-0000 :  Heliyon
1522-2675 :  0018-019X :  Helvetica Chimica Acta
2081-0768 :  2081-3287 :  Hematologia
1099-1069 :  0278-0232 :  Hematological Oncology
1607-8454 :  1024-5332 :  Hematology
1520-4383 :  1520-4391 :  Hematology / the Education Program of the American Society of Hematology
2038-8330 :  2038-8322 :  Hematology Reports
2531-1387 :  2531-1379 :  Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy
1532-432X :  0363-0269 :  Hemoglobin
1080-6555 :  0273-0340 :  Henry James Review
1179-1535 :  0000-0000 :  Hepatic Medicine: Evidence and Research
2045-0931 :  2045-0923 :  Hepatic Oncology
1735-3408 :  1735-143X :  Hepatitis Monthly
2090-1372 :  2090-1364 :  Hepatitis Research and Treatment
2115-5631 :  2115-3310 :  Hepato-Gastro and Oncologie Digestive
1527-3350 :  0270-9139 :  Hepatology
1936-0541 :  1936-0533 :  Hepatology International
1897-4287 :  1731-2302 :  Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice
1601-5223 :  0018-0661 :  Hereditas
1365-2540 :  0018-067X :  Heredity
2159-0338 :  2159-032X :  Heritage and Society
2050-7445 :  0000-0000 :  Heritage Science
1248-9204 :  1265-4906 :  Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery
1574-4078 :  0046-7316 :  Heron
1931-7603 :  2151-0733 :  Herpetological Conservation and Biology
1615-6692 :  0340-9937 :  Herz
1553-5622 :  0018-098X :  Hesperia
1098-1071 :  1042-7163 :  Heteroatom Chemistry
2191-0197 :  0793-0283 :  Heterocyclic Communications
2448-7333 :  0188-8897 :  Hidrobiologica
1469-834X :  1359-8139 :  High Ability Studies
1608-3148 :  0018-1439 :  High Energy Chemistry
2052-3289 :  2095-4719 :  High Power Laser Science and Engineering
1477-2299 :  0895-7959 :  High Pressure Research
1608-3156 :  0018-151X :  High Temperature
1940-4360 :  1093-3611 :  High Temperature Material Processes
2191-0324 :  0334-6455 :  High Temperature Materials and Processes
1573-174X :  0018-1560 :  Higher Education
2375-2696 :  0000-0000 :  Higher Education Pedagogies
1740-3863 :  0952-8733 :  Higher Education Policy
0263-9769 :  0951-5224 :  Higher Education Quarterly
2445-4559 :  1579-9794 :  Hikma
1989-4805 :  1889-1837 :  Hipertension y Riesgo Vascular
1098-1063 :  1050-9631 :  Hippocampus
2153-6414 :  0018-2133 :  Hispania
1138-7319 :  0000-0000 :  Hispania Nova
1988-4265 :  0018-215X :  Hispania Sacra
1553-0639 :  0018-2176 :  Hispanic Review
1432-119X :  0948-6143 :  Histochemistry and Cell Biology
1957-7745 :  0982-1783 :  Histoire et Mesure
1950-666X :  1254-728X :  Histoire et Societes Rurales
1365-2559 :  0309-0167 :  Histopathology
2241-2816 :  1108-3441 :  Historein
1980-4369 :  0101-9074 :  Historia
0717-7194 :  0073-2435 :  Historia (Chile)
2340-3659 :  1139-1472 :  Historia Agraria
2322-6889 :  0122-8803 :  Historia Caribe
2236-3459 :  1414-3518 :  Historia da Educacao
1090-249X :  0315-0860 :  Historia Mathematica
1988-3056 :  1137-0734 :  Historia y Comunicacion Social
2322-777X :  2027-5137 :  Historia y Memoria
1989-063X :  1575-0361 :  Historia y Politica
1540-6563 :  0018-2370 :  Historian
1756-7513 :  1756-7505 :  Historic Environment: Policy and Practice
1563-5236 :  0891-2963 :  Historical Biology
2203-7543 :  0000-0000 :  Historical Encounters
1469-5103 :  0018-246X :  Historical Journal
1468-2281 :  0950-3471 :  Historical Research
1791-7603 :  1790-3572 :  Historical Review
2570-9259 :  0323-0937 :  Historicka Demografie
2336-3525 :  1804-0616 :  Historicka Sociologie
1527-1994 :  0935-560X :  History & Memory
1477-2612 :  0275-7206 :  History and Anthropology
1742-6316 :  0391-9714 :  History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
2249-5312 :  2230-8075 :  History and Sociology of South Asia
1477-2620 :  0734-1512 :  History and Technology
1833-4881 :  1449-0854 :  History Australia
1558-2744 :  0361-5413 :  History in Africa
1464-5130 :  0046-760X :  History of Education
1971-1131 :  1971-1093 :  History of Education and Children's Literature
0819-8691 :  0311-3248 :  History of Education Review
2409-5834 :  2500-2910 :  History of Medicine
2152-1026 :  0740-0675 :  History of Philosophy Quarterly
1527-1919 :  0018-2702 :  History of Political Economy
1477-4569 :  1363-3554 :  History Workshop Journal
2078-1792 :  2077-9828 :  HIV Infection and Immunosuppressive Disorders
1468-1293 :  1464-2662 :  HIV Medicine
2059-2310 :  2059-2302 :  HLA
1433-0458 :  0017-6192 :  HNO
1875-0257 :  0921-5891 :  Hobbes Studies
1550-5138 :  0887-9311 :  Holistic Nursing Practice
1476-7937 :  8756-6583 :  Holocaust and Genocide Studies
1477-0911 :  0959-6836 :  Holocene
1437-434X :  0018-3830 :  Holzforschung
1545-0856 :  0162-1424 :  Home Health Care Services Quarterly
2374-4537 :  2374-4529 :  Home healthcare now
1476-4245 :  1475-4916 :  Homeopathy : the journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy
2101-0226 :  0018-4306 :  Homme et la Societe
1618-1301 :  0018-442X :  HOMO- Journal of Comparative Human Biology
1532-0081 :  1532-0073 :  Homology, Homotopy and Applications
2309-5407 :  1024-9079 :  Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine
1876-4371 :  1561-5413 :  Hong Kong Journal of Nephrology
2309-5393 :  1013-9923 :  Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics
1876-441X :  1013-7025 :  Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal
2156-6240 :  2152-5188 :  HOPOS
2311-6986 :  2226-5260 :  Horizon, Fenomenologiceskie Issledovania
2050-8557 :  0360-9669 :  Horizons
1871-2207 :  0195-9085 :  Horizons in Biblical Theology
1439-4286 :  0018-5043 :  Hormone and Metabolic Research
1868-1891 :  0000-0000 :  Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation
1663-2826 :  1663-2818 :  Hormone Research in Paediatrics
1095-6867 :  0018-506X :  Hormones and Behavior
1868-8500 :  1868-8497 :  Hormones and Cancer
2040-3283 :  2040-3275 :  Horror Studies
1806-9991 :  0102-0536 :  Horticultura Brasileira
1805-9333 :  0862-867X :  Horticultural Science
2211-3460 :  2211-3452 :  Horticulture Environment and Biotechnology
2189-0110 :  2189-0102 :  Horticulture Journal
2052-7276 :  0000-0000 :  Horticulture Research
1792-9172 :  1790-7306 :  Hospital Chronicles
2154-1671 :  2154-1663 :  Hospital Pediatrics
2042-7921 :  2042-7913 :  Hospitality and Society
2376-0923 :  0888-2746 :  Housing and Society
1466-1810 :  0267-3037 :  Housing Studies
1651-2278 :  1403-6096 :  Housing, Theory and Society
2059-1101 :  2059-1098 :  Howard Journal of Crime and Justice
1477-2574 :  1365-182X :  HPB
1607-8462 :  0894-8569 :  HPB Surgery
2459-4849 :  0439-691X :  Hrvatski Dijalektoloski Zbornik
1813-8705 :  1813-8691 :  HSE Economic Journal
1556-3324 :  1556-3316 :  HSS Journal
2072-8050 :  0259-9422 :  HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies
1549-7860 :  1080-7039 :  Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (HERA)
2066-7663 :  2066-7655 :  Human and Veterinary Medicine
1534-6617 :  0018-7143 :  Human Biology
1097-0193 :  1065-9471 :  Human Brain Mapping
1749-0774 :  0914-7470 :  Human Cell
1468-2958 :  0360-3989 :  Human Communication Research
1423-0054 :  0018-716X :  Human Development
1533-158X :  1087-1209 :  Human Dimensions of Wildlife
1572-9915 :  0300-7839 :  Human Ecology
1547-8181 :  0018-7208 :  Human Factors
1520-6564 :  1090-8471 :  Human Factors and Ergonomics In Manufacturing
1946-6544 :  1946-6536 :  Human gene therapy methods
2324-8645 :  2324-8637 :  Human gene therapy. Clinical development
1432-1203 :  0340-6717 :  Human Genetics
2054-345X :  0000-0000 :  Human Genome Variation
1479-7364 :  1473-9542 :  Human Genomics
2067-2284 :  1843-6587 :  Human Geographies
1423-0062 :  0001-5652 :  Human Heredity
1402-151X :  1402-1501 :  Human IT
1460-2083 :  0964-6906 :  Human Molecular Genetics
1899-1955 :  1732-3991 :  Human Movement
1098-1004 :  1059-7794 :  Human Mutation
2214-3300 :  0000-0000 :  Human Pathology: Case Reports
1532-7043 :  0895-9285 :  Human Performance
1608-3164 :  0362-1197 :  Human Physiology
1099-1077 :  0885-6222 :  Human Psychopharmacology
1460-2350 :  0268-1161 :  Human Reproduction
1460-2369 :  1355-4786 :  Human Reproduction Update
1469-8374 :  1367-8868 :  Human Resource Development International
1532-1096 :  1044-8004 :  Human Resource Development Quarterly
1099-050X :  0090-4848 :  Human Resource Management
1085-794X :  0275-0392 :  Human Rights Quarterly
2330-314X :  2330-3131 :  Human Service Organizations Management, Leadership and Governance
1572-851X :  0163-8548 :  Human Studies
1795-6889 :  0000-0000 :  Human Technology
2164-554X :  2164-5515 :  Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics
2192-1962 :  0000-0000 :  Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences
1532-7051 :  0737-0024 :  Human-Computer Interaction
1547-3333 :  0887-3267 :  Humanistic Psychologist
2012-0788 :  1655-1532 :  Humanities Diliman
2155-3874 :  2155-3858 :  Human-Wildlife Interactions
1613-3722 :  0933-1719 :  Humor
2064-5147 :  2064-5031 :  Hungarian Geographical Bulletin
1588-2772 :  0236-6568 :  Hungarian Studies
0324-0924 :  0018-8158 :  Hydrobiologia
0375-8990 :  0018-8166 :  Hydrobiological Journal
1099-1085 :  0885-6087 :  Hydrological Processes
1882-3416 :  0000-0000 :  Hydrological Research Letters
2306-5338 :  0000-0000 :  Hydrology
1404-4013 :  1403-8668 :  Hygiea Internationalis
1617-4240 :  1433-5158 :  Hyle
2156-2253 :  0949-2615 :  Hyperboreus
1572-9540 :  0304-3843 :  Hyperfine Interactions
2177-5346 :  1413-9138 :  Hypnos
1825-5272 :  0394-1914 :  Hystrix

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