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Sopus indexed journals List D

Sopus indexed journals List D

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The Journal Title List includes free journal content that are available for linking from Scopus. You can browse for a journal using the links below. Alternatively, you can perform a search for a specific journal title by following the instructions provided in the search box.

Below is The Collection of All  Journals, by ISSN and Title, as ranked by Scopus.
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P-ISSN                   E-ISSN                    SOURCE TITLE                                        
1548-6192 :  0011-5266 :  Daedalus
1958-5594 :  1958-5586 :  Dairy Science and Technology
1477-9234 :  1477-9226 :  Dalton Transactions
1756-8404 :  1368-1494 :  Dams and Reservoirs
1532-4257 :  0147-2526 :  Dance Chronicle
1940-509X :  0149-7677 :  Dance Research Journal
1804-8285 :  1804-6746 :  Danube
1569-7274 :  1540-3009 :  Dao

1573-756X :  1384-5810 :  Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
2514-9288 :  0000-0000 :  Data Technologies and Applications
1572-9982 :  0013-063X :  De Economist
1091-7683 :  0748-1187 :  Death Studies
1469-3712 :  0965-156X :  Debatte
2325-9973 :  2325-9965 :  Decision
1545-8504 :  1545-8490 :  Decision Analysis
1929-5812 :  1929-5804 :  Decision Science Letters
1540-5915 :  0011-7315 :  Decision Sciences
1540-4609 :  1540-4595 :  Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education
1476-8267 :  1024-2694 :  Defence and Peace Economics
1743-9698 :  1470-2436 :  Defence Studies
2214-9147 :  0000-0000 :  Defence Technology
1421-9824 :  1420-8008 :  Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders
1664-5464 :  0000-0000 :  Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra
2332-8908 :  2332-8894 :  Democratic Theory
1805-2991 :  0011-8265 :  Demografie
1533-7790 :  0070-3370 :  Demography
2391-4661 :  0420-1213 :  Demonstratio Mathematica
2083-8387 :  1641-1307 :  Dendrobiology
2300-9020 :  1644-387X :  Dental and Medical Problems
2177-6709 :  2176-9451 :  Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics
2008-0255 :  1735-3327 :  Dental Research Journal
1600-9657 :  1600-4469 :  Dental Traumatology
1476-542X :  0250-832X :  Dentomaxillofacial Radiology
2469-6471 :  2469-6463 :  Denver Law Review
2300-2298 :  0000-0000 :  Dependence Modeling
1520-6394 :  1091-4269 :  Depression and Anxiety
2090-133X :  2090-1321 :  Depression Research and Treatment
1432-055X :  0003-2417 :  Der Anaesthesist
1432-1173 :  0017-8470 :  Der Hautarzt
1432-1289 :  0020-9554 :  Der Internist
1433-0407 :  0028-2804 :  Der Nervenarzt
1433-0431 :  0085-4530 :  Der Orthopade
1432-1963 :  0172-8113 :  Der Pathologe
1432-2102 :  0033-832X :  Der Radiologe
1433-044X :  0177-5537 :  Der Unfallchirurg
1938-1980 :  1938-1972 :  Dermato-Endocrinology
1524-4725 :  1076-0512 :  Dermatologic Surgery
1529-8019 :  1396-0296 :  Dermatologic Therapy
1616-7090 :  1438-776X :  Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt
1421-9832 :  1018-8665 :  Dermatology
2190-9172 :  2193-8210 :  Dermatology and Therapy
2036-7406 :  2036-7392 :  Dermatology Reports
1687-6113 :  1687-6105 :  Dermatology Research and Practice
1944-3986 :  1944-3994 :  Desalination and Water Treatment
0976-4658 :  0974-0643 :  DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology
1754-7083 :  1754-7075 :  Design and Culture
1572-8080 :  0929-5585 :  Design Automation for Embedded Systems
1568-5551 :  1385-772X :  Designed Monomers and Polymers
1573-7586 :  0925-1022 :  Designs, Codes, and Cryptography
1821-2506 :  0000-0000 :  DETUROPE
0939-334X :  0011-9857 :  Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung
1522-2403 :  1435-1951 :  Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift
3002-1472 :  0012-0472 :  Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift
1746-1049 :  0012-1533 :  Developing Economies
1471-8847 :  1471-8731 :  Developing World Bioethics
1461-7072 :  1011-6370 :  Development
1477-9129 :  0950-1991 :  Development (Cambridge)
1467-7660 :  0012-155X :  Development and Change
1469-2198 :  0954-5794 :  Development and Psychopathology
2352-7285 :  0000-0000 :  Development Engineering
1432-041X :  0949-944X :  Development Genes and Evolution
1440-169X :  0012-1592 :  Development Growth and Differentiation
1364-9213 :  0961-4524 :  Development in Practice
1467-7679 :  0950-6764 :  Development Policy Review
1470-3637 :  0376-835X :  Development Southern Africa
2166-5095 :  0000-0000 :  Development Studies Research
1095-564X :  0012-1606 :  Developmental Biology
1097-0177 :  1058-8388 :  Developmental Dynamics
1469-8749 :  0012-1622 :  Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology
1932-846X :  1932-8451 :  Developmental Neurobiology
1532-6942 :  8756-5641 :  Developmental Neuropsychology
1421-9859 :  0378-5866 :  Developmental Neuroscience
1098-2302 :  0012-1630 :  Developmental Psychobiology
1090-2406 :  0273-2297 :  Developmental Review
1467-7687 :  1363-755X :  Developmental Science
1521-0456 :  0163-9625 :  Deviant Behavior
1937-5255 :  1937-5247 :  DFI Journal
1816-1839 :  1816-1820 :  Dhaka University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
2233-6087 :  2233-6079 :  Diabetes and Metabolism Journal
2072-0378 :  2072-0351 :  Diabetes Mellitus
1869-6961 :  1869-6953 :  Diabetes Therapy
1463-1326 :  1462-8902 :  Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism
1520-7560 :  1520-7552 :  Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews
1464-5491 :  0742-3071 :  Diabetic Medicine
1432-0428 :  0012-186X :  Diabetologia
2299-2529 :  2084-4441 :  Diabetologia Kliniczna
1212-6853 :  1211-9326 :  Diabetologie Metabolismus Endokrinologie Vyziva
1569-9714 :  0176-4225 :  Diachronica
1849-014X :  1330-2655 :  Diacovensia
1080-6539 :  0300-7162 :  Diacritics
2194-802X :  2194-8011 :  Diagnosis
1305-3612 :  1305-3825 :  Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
1097-0339 :  8755-1039 :  Diagnostic Cytopathology
2075-4418 :  0000-0000 :  Diagnostics
2449-5220 :  1641-6414 :  Diagnostyka
1746-8361 :  0012-2017 :  Dialectica
2013-2247 :  0000-0000 :  Dialectologia
1540-6385 :  0012-2033 :  Dialog
0719-2681 :  0716-2278 :  Dialogo Andino
2177-2940 :  1415-9945 :  Dialogos
2152-9620 :  0000-0000 :  Dialogue and Discourse
1955-270X :  0755-7256 :  Dialogues d'Histoire Ancienne
2043-8214 :  2043-8206 :  Dialogues in Human Geography
0976-3457 :  0973-9572 :  Diaspora Studies
1432-1904 :  0028-1042 :  Die Naturwissenschaften
1439-1309 :  0034-3536 :  Die Rehabilitation
1570-0607 :  0043-2539 :  Die Welt des Islams
1608-3083 :  0012-2661 :  Differential Equations
1432-0436 :  0301-4681 :  Differentiation; Research in Biological Diversity
1421-9867 :  0012-2823 :  Digestion
1421-9875 :  0257-2753 :  Digestive Diseases
1573-2568 :  0163-2116 :  Digestive Diseases and Sciences
1443-1661 :  0915-5635 :  Digestive Endoscopy
1421-9883 :  0253-4886 :  Digestive Surgery
2352-8648 :  2468-5925 :  Digital Communications and Networks
2043-7633 :  0000-0000 :  Digital Icons
2167-082X :  2167-0811 :  Digital Journalism
2059-5816 :  0000-0000 :  Digital Library Perspectives
2398-5038 :  0000-0000 :  Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance
2055-768X :  2055-7671 :  Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
1095-4333 :  1051-2004 :  Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal
2178-2792 :  1983-5922 :  Dilemas
1557-301X :  0959-2296 :  Diplomacy and Statecraft
1467-7709 :  0145-2096 :  Diplomatic History
2171-6323 :  1132-175X :  Direccion y Organizacion
1825-0173 :  0000-0000 :  Diritto and Questioni Pubbliche
1464-5165 :  0963-8288 :  Disability and Rehabilitation
1360-0508 :  0968-7599 :  Disability and Society
1938-744X :  1935-7893 :  Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness
1467-7717 :  0361-3666 :  Disasters
2164-6414 :  2164-6376 :  Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity
1469-3739 :  0159-6306 :  Discourse
1805-952X :  1802-9930 :  Discourse and Interaction
1532-6950 :  0163-853X :  Discourse Processes
2397-3129 :  0000-0000 :  Discrete Analysis
1432-0444 :  0179-5376 :  Discrete and Computational Geometry
1607-887X :  1026-0226 :  Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
1573-7594 :  0924-6703 :  Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications
1569-3929 :  0924-9265 :  Discrete Mathematics and Applications
1793-8317 :  1793-8309 :  Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications
1887-4606 :  0000-0000 :  Discurso y Sociedad
1984-7939 :  1808-5652 :  Discursos Fotograficos
1530-0358 :  0012-3706 :  Diseases of the Colon and Rectum
1442-2050 :  1120-8694 :  Diseases of the Esophagus
1730-6310 :  0012-3862 :  Dissertationes Mathematicae
1475-0198 :  0158-7919 :  Distance Education
2159-9149 :  1600-910X :  Distinktion
1573-7578 :  0926-8782 :  Distributed and Parallel Databases
1432-0452 :  0178-2770 :  Distributed Computing
2156-6550 :  2156-3306 :  Distributed Generation and Alternative Energy Journal
1472-4642 :  1366-9516 :  Diversity and Distributions
1754-8411 :  1754-8403 :  DMM Disease Models and Mechanisms
1963-1014 :  1279-5127 :  Document Numerique
1431-0643 :  1431-0635 :  Documenta Mathematica
1573-2622 :  0012-4486 :  Documenta Ophthalmologica
2421-5678 :  2421-0684 :  Dog Behavior
1303-6106 :  1300-008X :  Doga, Turkish Journal of Botany
1608-3091 :  1607-6729 :  Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics
1608-3105 :  0012-4966 :  Doklady Biological Sciences
1608-3113 :  0012-5008 :  Doklady Chemistry
1608-3121 :  0012-5016 :  Doklady Physical Chemistry
1562-6903 :  1028-3358 :  Doklady Physics
1949-3606 :  1060-4367 :  Domes : digest of Middle East studies
1996-9465 :  1996-9457 :  Drinking Water Engineering and Science
1969-6973 :  0769-3362 :  Droit et Societe
1525-6014 :  0148-0545 :  Drug and Chemical Toxicology
2190-3948 :  2190-393X :  Drug Delivery and Translational Research
2210-304X :  2210-3031 :  Drug Delivery Letters
1520-5762 :  0363-9045 :  Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy
1098-2299 :  0272-4391 :  Drug Development Research
1881-784X :  1881-7831 :  Drug discoveries & therapeutics
1521-009X :  0090-9556 :  Drug Metabolism and Disposition
2363-8915 :  2363-8907 :  Drug Metabolism and Personalized Therapy
1880-0920 :  1347-4367 :  Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics
1097-9883 :  0360-2532 :  Drug Metabolism Reviews
2194-9387 :  2194-9379 :  Drug Research
1532-2084 :  1368-7646 :  Drug Resistance Updates
2198-977X :  2199-1162 :  Drug Safety - Case Reports
1942-7611 :  1942-7603 :  Drug Testing and Analysis
2198-9788 :  2199-1154 :  Drugs - Real World Outcomes
1740-4398 :  1745-1981 :  Drugs in Context
1699-4019 :  1699-3993 :  Drugs of Today
1532-2300 :  0737-3937 :  Drying Technology
1848-8153 :  1331-3878 :  Dubrovnik Annals
1939-9111 :  0012-7086 :  Duke Law Journal
1752-2307 :  1362-024X :  Durkheimian Studies/Etudes durkheimiennes
1309-5749 :  1018-8681 :  Dusunen Adam
2211-7253 :  2211-7245 :  Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics
1581-1212 :  0353-6777 :  Dve domovini / Two Homelands
2153-0793 :  2153-0785 :  Dynamic Games and Applications
1746-7594 :  1746-7586 :  Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: Pathways toward Terrorism and Genocide
2340-7948 :  0211-9536 :  Dynamis
1099-0909 :  1076-9242 :  Dyslexia
1432-0460 :  0179-051X :  Dysphagia


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