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Scopus "Compare Journal" tool

 Scopus is Elsevier's abstract and citation database launched in 2004. Scopus covers nearly 36,377 titles (22,794 active titles and 13,583 inactive titles) from approximately 11,678 publishers, of which 34,346 are peer-reviewed journals in top-level subject fields: life sciencessocial sciencesphysical sciences and health sciences. It covers three types of sources: book seriesjournals, and trade journals. All journals covered in the Scopus database are reviewed for sufficiently high quality each year according to four types of numerical quality measure for each title; those are h-IndexCiteScore, SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) and SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper). Searches in Scopus also incorporate searches of patent databases.

How to access Scopus "Compare Journal" tool?
How to find citation data of journals using Scopus "Compare Journals" tool?
What are SJR, SNIP and other parameters?

  • Citations - The number of times a source has been cited in a year
  • Docs - Total number of articles published in a year
  • Percent Not Cited - Percentage of documents not cited in a year
  • Percent Reviews - Percentage of review articles published in a year

Scopus "Compare Journal" tool

Scopus is an expansive theoretical and reference database covering more than 15,000 associate assessed diaries from more than 4,000 worldwide distributers. It contains investigative, specialized, medicinal and sociologies writing, and has as of late likewise included writing in expressions of the human experience and humanities fields. 

Scopus additionally offers devices to track, break down and picture research. One of them is the "Look at Journal"tool, which gives fast and simple perspective of diary execution. It permits you to contrast up with 10 diaries. Full reference information are accessible from 1996 and are overhauled at regular intervals.

Access to Scopus site.

After logging in Scopus, select "Compare Journals". You will then see the "Compare Journals" page.

Hunt down a diary by title, ISSN or distributer. You can likewise restrain your hunt by branch of knowledge. 

From the outcome list, select your wanted journal(s) to include it to diagram the a good fit for examination. Up to 10 diaries can be included. 

You can then assess diaries utilizing different diary parameters, including the two diary positioning measurements "SJR", "IPP" and "Clip". 

To see a rundown of diary titles in Scopus, access the "Scan Sources" page. Note that top diaries can't be distinguished inside a particular subject field utilizing Scopus. Allude to the "Discovering diary distributions in Scopus" box on this page for additional.

The diary sway values in Scopus are figured in view of 3 years' reference information. Since full reference information are accessible from 1996 and the reference data for articles distributed preceding 1996 is not accessible, the main diary sway qualities are accessible in 1999.
SJR, IPP and SNIP are the journal impact matrics used in Scopus.
SJR (SCImago Journal Rank):
SJR is likewise called the "eminence" measurements, in light of the fact that notwithstanding the quantity of references that a diary pulls in, this metric additionally considers the renown/nature of the refering to diary. 

Note that the notoriety/nature of a refering to diary is controlled by the quantity of references to this diary. In this manner the figuring of SJR is an iterative procedure. 

SJR likewise addresses diverse reference conduct in various subject fields by permitting diary's esteem to be shared similarly between its references. An expressions and humanities diary with less references, for instance, has higher worth for each of its references. A science and building diary with more references has lower esteem for each of its references.

SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper):
SNIP measures the contextual citation impact by weighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field. It considers the citation potential (i.e. the likelihood of being cited) in a journal's subject field - including citing frequency, immediacy, database coverage.
An existence sciences diary has a tendency to have higher reference check, yet in the meantime higher reference potential. Then again, an expressions and humanities diary is liable to have lower reference check furthermore bring down reference potential. As a result of this, the reference effect can be standardized, and coordinate correlation of diaries crosswise over subject controls is subsequently conceivable. 

Every reference to a diary is weighted relying upon the glory of the source it originates from. A reference by a diary with a high glory is esteemed exceptionally, while a reference by a less persuasive diary is worth less.
IPP (Impact per Publication):
IPP measures the ratio of citations in the reference year to the scholarly papers published in the 3-year citation period divided by the number of scholarly papers published in those 3 years.
The computation is like JCR Impact Factor. In any case, when numbering the references to "records distributed", just articles, surveys and gathering papers are incorporated (yet not references to different materials, for example, publications). Considering the same sorts of reports in both the numerator and denominator of the condition gives a reasonable effect estimation of the diary and reduces the possibility of control.

Dissimilar to SJR, IPP does not consider the nature of refering to diaries. Dissimilar to SNIP, IPP is not standardized for the subject field.

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