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IJET - The International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UK)

  The International Journal of Engineering and Technology

ISSN: 2049-3444

The International Journal of Engineering and Technology

The International Journal of Engineering and Technology is an international premier peer reviewed open access engineering and technology journal promoting the discovery, innovation, advancement and dissemination of basic and transitional knowledge in engineering, technology and related disciplines. We follow "Rigorous Publication" model - means that all articles appear on after full appraisal, effectiveness, legitimacy and reliability of research content.

IJET is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Our vision is to be the world's most dominant and extensively read engineering and technology journal. Our mission is to lead the debate on engineering and technology engage, inform, and inspire researchers and professionals in order to streamline economic and broad-spectrum benefits of engineering and technology. We aim to revolutionize industry by promoting legitimate and effective research.

The International Journal of Engineering and Technology is published monthly, issues appearing on the 1st Monday of each month. Original engineering and technology articles are published in full on, with no restriction on word counts and open access to all. The editors reserve the right to reject a paper or make changes to the content if there are serious problems with the content or with violations of our publishing policies.

We have global reach with users submitting and downloading several publications from every month. We audit the performance of research articles, using a wide range of indicators to assess their impact on readers and their dissemination to the wider world. Our team is based in the UK, although we also have editors elsewhere in Europe, Asia and in the US.

We follow "Rigorous Publication" model - means that all articles appear on after full appraisal, effectiveness, legitimacy and reliability of research content.

Journal Indexing

IJET published articles are currently indexed in:
- Google Scholar
- CiteSeerX
- Docstoc
- Scribd
- WorldCat
- Microsoft Search
- Scirus
- Base
- Cabell Publishing Inc.
- New Jour
- GeonD
- Cuteulike
- Cornell University Library
- Munich Personal RePEc Archive
- Ulrich's Knowledgebase
- Open J-Gate

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