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What is the Difference Between Dissertation vs Thesis?


Thesis” and “Dissertation” are the words often used in academia, which also lead to some confusion that what exactly each word means. This article tries to clarify the Difference Between Dissertation vs Thesis.

What is the Difference Between Dissertation vs Thesis?

Difference between Dissertation vs Thesis

Thesis – is a Greek word meaning “proposition”

Dissertation- is a Latin word meaning “discussion”

Thesis – is usually used for a PhD (doctoral) or M.Phil. level degree in the UK.

A Thesis is a document that presents the author’s research and findings and is submitted in support of candidature for a degree or professional qualification.

Thesis statements at primary argument and it tells supervisors to what you want to ascertain. It goes to all depth of topic throughout the thesis work and in the conclusion part, the topic and its finding are summarized.

Dissertation – Generally, described as a treatise without relation to obtaining an academic degree. But, the usage of the word differs from two countries US and UK, that confusion reflects the rest of the world.

In the US,

  • A person needs to write a thesis if he doing a master’s level of education.
  • A person needs to write a dissertation, if he doing the doctoral degree.

In the UK,

  • A person would be awarded a master level of degree if he has successfully submitted dissertation work.
  • A person needs to write a thesis if he doing a PhD(Doctoral) degree.


The main confusion occurs in the usage of the terms dissertation and the thesis is the structure. Both have an introduction, literary review, main body, conclusion, bibliography and appendix.


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