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What Are The Types Of Scientific Research?

 Upon intending to select the topic for your scientific research; formerly, you ought to determine its type. Based on the essential objective of the research, the types of scientific research vary. Some research topics aim at effectively resolving the current problems, while others set goals to trace an exact phenomenon. On the other hand, exploration lies as an additional purpose side by side to other multiple types of scientific research. Forthcoming lines shall set a comprehensive overview of the different types of scientific research.

What Are The Types Of Scientific Research?

Fundamental or Basic Research

Basic research aims at detecting reasons beyond a certain phenomenon through a comprehensive examination of related factors, which exist under the name of Theoretical-Scientific Research. Such a type may only identify the reasons beyond the phenomenon without resolving an actual problem. It assumes structuring scientific theories and rules that can be inapplicable; therefore, they are merely-lab tested with less due care to execute the results.

Applied Research

Applied and theoretical researches differ in nature; the earlier aims at setting actual solutions for the current problem. It may utilize results concluded from theoretical research papers to reach applicable solutions.

Applied researches are based on authentic phenomena as well as scientific principles. Mostly, labs are not practically utilized in applied research as it focuses on practical but not laboratory execution. Sociologists and political scientists mostly use this type of research.

Quantitative Research

It assumes collecting and converting data into digits to be used by the researcher for the research’s statistical calculations that lead to accurate conclusions based on statistical analysis. Quantitative research displays findings in the forms of tables and graphs.

Mixed Research

This type of research relies on quantitative and qualitative methods. In case you reviewed a copy of mixed research, you shall notice the utilization of variables, words, and images as the researcher exploits numbers as well as the scientific description do. Mixed research methods are significant in the way they allow minimizing the defeats and weaknesses of both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The researcher may initiate research by interviewing a target group, followed by publishing broadened copies of questionnaires and finally analyzes the outcomes on statistical bases, which is considered an example of mixed research. Obviously, both quantitative and qualitative methods are applied.

Exploratory Research

It aims at verifying or refuting the existence of a certain phenomenon. It is the ultimate objective of this kind of researches to provide justifications of ambiguous and indefinite queries.

Comparative Research

This kind of research has the objective of spotting similarities and differences among multiple factors; for example, holding a comparison between cultures of different countries with clarification of both differences and similarities.

Causal Research

For detecting causative agents beyond a particular effect, causal research builds a connection between variables (cause and effect between variables).

Along with all the listed types of scientific research, others tend to build new theories, while different types aim at testing the latter’s theories. Descriptive research, on the other hand, targets at describing a particular phenomenon.

Our primary goal for publishing the article is to direct researchers towards selecting the appropriate type among a long list of research methods where specialty has a role to play along with the desired objective of the research to conclude accurate deductions and results.

Translated by: Nermeen Ebaid


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