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Angewandte Chemie


Angewandte Chemie journal cover.gif
Edited byNeville Compton
Publication details
History1887–present (in German), 1962–present (in English)
Wiley-VCH (Germany)
Impact factor
12.959 (2019)
Standard abbreviations
ISO 4Angew. Chem.
CODEN(International), ANCEAD (German) ACIEF5 (International), ANCEAD (German)
ISSN1433-7851 (print)
1521-3773 (web)

Angewandte Chemie , meaning "Applied Chemistry") is a weekly peer-reviewed scientific journal that is published by Wiley-VCH on behalf of the German Chemical Society (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker). Publishing formats include feature-length reviews, short highlights, research communications, minireviews, essays, book reviews, meeting reviews, correspondences, corrections, and obituaries. This journal contains review articles covering all aspects of chemistry. In 2018 its impact factor was 12.257, and it was ranked 17th out of 172 in the subject category "chemistry, multidisciplinary."

Impact factor

While it has been suggested that Angewandte's impact factor is as high as it is in comparison to other chemistry journals because the journal contains reviews, the editors claim this effect is too small to explain the difference or affect the ranking of the journal in its subject group.[


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