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Pascal and Francis databases open access

 Pascal and Francis databases open access

Pascal and Francis databases open access

Alternative Titles  PASCAL FRANCIS


The site Free Access to Pascal and Francis is an archive of the PASCAL and FRANCIS bibliographic databases in exact, human and social sciences, produced by the Inist-CNRS since 1972 and hitherto accessible with a subscription.

Three search modes are featured: simple, advanced, expert. You can also browse the content of PASCAL and FRANCIS by keywords (vocabulary) or by thematics (classification).

The opening of the FRANCIS and PASCAL bibliographic data on this website fits into the recommendations expressed by the Scientific Information Department of the CNRS, which advocate the dissemination and opening in free access of the Pascal and Francis archive.

Francis and Pascal databases are now freely available on a common platform:
  • Pascal covers the fields of science, technology, medicine
  • Francis covers 15 disciplines in the social sciences and humanities
This is a first version that launches more than 14 million bibliographic records (articles, conference papers, communications ...) "In his version 1 (initial) this site offers free access to more than 14 million bibliographic references of articles, conference papers and conference proceedings produced by INIST-CNRS from 1984 to 2015 for PASCAL (12 million) and from 1972 to 2015 FRANCIS (2 million). It gradually enriched with other types of documents and records with partners cooperating in the PASCAL and FRANCIS power in the past. "



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