IJAR - Indian Journal of Animal Research
Print ISSN: 0367-6722
Online ISSN: 0976-0555
Print Frequency: Monthly
Scientifical Journal Ranking(SJR): .170
Subjects Covered: Animal Genetics & Breeding, Nutrition, Physiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Production, Health, Products Technology etc.
2016 Impact Factor : 0.147
2015 Impact Factor : 0.091
2014 Impact Factor : -NA-
2013 Impact Factor : 0.032
2012 Impact Factor : 0.031
2011 Impact Factor : 0.02
2010 Impact Factor : 0.078
IJAR Site Web
Print ISSN: 0367-6722
Online ISSN: 0976-0555
Print Frequency: Monthly
Scientifical Journal Ranking(SJR): .170
Description :
The IJAR - Indian Journal of Animal Research, the flagship print journal of ARCC, it is a monthly journal published without any break since 1966. The overall aim of the journal is to promote the professional development of its readers, researchers and scientists around the world. Indian Journal of Animal Research is peer-reviewed journal and has gained recognition for its high standard in the academic world. It publishes original research articles by the scientists on various aspects of Animal Science like breeding, physiology, histology, anatomy, nutrition, production, management, veterinary, fisheries, zoology etc. The objective of the journal is to provide a forum to the scientific community to publish their research findings and also to open new vistas for further research. The journal is being covered under international indexing and abstracting services.Subjects Covered: Animal Genetics & Breeding, Nutrition, Physiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Production, Health, Products Technology etc.
IJAR Aims :
The IJAR, the flagship print journal of ARCC, it is a monthly journal published without any break since 1966. The overall aim of the journal is to promote the professional development of its readers, researchers and scientists around the world. Indian Journal of Animal Research is peer-reviewed journal and has gained recognition for its high standard in the academic world. It anatomy, nutrition, production, management, veterinary, fisheries, zoology etc. The objective of the journal is to provide a forum to the scientific community to publish their research findings and also to open new vistas for further research. The journal is being covered under international indexing and abstracting services.IJAR IMPACT FACTOR DETAILS
2017/2018 Impact Factor : 0.2012016 Impact Factor : 0.147
2015 Impact Factor : 0.091
2014 Impact Factor : -NA-
2013 Impact Factor : 0.032
2012 Impact Factor : 0.031
2011 Impact Factor : 0.02
2010 Impact Factor : 0.078
IJAR Site Web