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Botany Scoupus Indexed Journals

Botany, also called plant science, plant biology or phytology, is the science of plant life and a branch of biology. A botanist, plant scientist or phytologist is a scientist who specialises in this field.

Botany Scoupus Indexed Journals

The following is a list of botanical scientific journals, Scoupus Indexed.

Print-ISSN     E-ISSN           Title                                                   
0065-0951 2300-357X Acta Agrobotanica
0496-3490 0000-0000 Acta Agronomica Sinica(China)
0001-5296 0000-0000 Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica
0102-3306 0000-0000 Acta Botanica Brasilica
0365-0588 0000-0000 Acta Botanica Croatica
0236-6495 1588-2578 Acta Botanica Hungarica
0187-7151 0000-0000 Acta Botanica Mexicana
0084-5906 0000-0000 Acta Botanica Venezuelica
0513-353X 0000-0000 Acta Horticulturae Sinica
0001-625X 2353-074X Acta Mycologica
0137-5881 0000-0000 Acta Physiologiae Plantarum
0238-1249 1588-2691 Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica
1004-5759 0000-0000 Acta Prataculturae Sinica
1644-0692 0000-0000 Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Hortorum Cultus
0001-6977 0000-0000 Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
1280-8571 0000-0000 Adansonia
0393-5965 0000-0000 Aerobiologia
2249-720X 2249-7218 Agricultural Research
0551-3677 1338-4376 Agriculture
1405-3195 0000-0000 Agrociencia
1226-2617 2093-0860 Algae
0971-4693 0000-0000 Allelopathy Journal
1664-2201 0000-0000 Alpine Botany
0002-8444 0000-0000 American Fern Journal
0002-9122 1537-2197 American Journal of Botany
1224-5119 1844-7589 Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Fascicula Biologie
0211-1322 1988-3196 Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid
0003-3847 0000-0000 Annales Botanici Fennici
1408-533X 0000-0000 Annales, Series Historia Naturalis
0365-0812 2239-3129 Annali di Botanica
0570-1783 0000-0000 Annals of Agricultural Sciences
0305-7364 1095-8290 Annals of Botany
1844-8135 2065-2445 Annals of Forest Research
0026-6493 0000-0000 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden
0304-3770 0000-0000 Aquatic Botany
0003-9438 0000-0000 Archives Animal Breeding
1682-3974 1812-5697 Asian Journal of Plant Sciences
2305-0500 2305-0519 Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction
0815-3191 0000-0000 Australasian Plant Pathology
0067-1924 0000-0000 Australian Journal of Botany
1835-2693 1835-2707 Australian Journal of Crop Science
1030-1887 0000-0000 Australian Systematic Botany
0253-5416 0000-0000 Bangladesh Journal of Botany
1028-2092 0000-0000 Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy
0173-783X 0000-0000 Beitrage zur Tabakforschung International/ Contributions to Tobacco Research
1412-033X 2085-4722 Biodiversitas
0006-3088 1336-9563 Biologia (Poland)
0006-3134 1573-8264 Biologia Plantarum
0973-483X 0000-0000 Biopesticides International
0860-7796 0000-0000 Biotechnologia
1370-6233 1780-4507 Biotechnology, Agronomy and Society and Environment
0006-5196 0000-0000 Blumea: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Plant Geography
1741-7007 0000-0000 BMC Biology
1471-2229 0000-0000 BMC Plant Biology
0373-580X 1851-2372 Boletin de la Sociedad Argentina de Botanica
0717-7917 0000-0000 Boletin Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromaticas
0214-4565 1988-2874 Botanica Complutensis
1392-1665 2029-932X Botanica Lithuanica
0006-8055 1437-4323 Botanica Marina
2226-4701 2410-3713 Botanica Pacifica
1821-2158 1821-2638 Botanica Serbica
0024-4074 1095-8339 Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society
2007-4298 2007-4476 Botanical Sciences
1817-406X 0000-0000 Botanical Studies
0006-8144 2415-9662 Botanikai Kozlemenyek
1916-2790 1916-2804 Botany
2381-8107 2381-8115 Botany Letters
0006-8241 2311-9284 Bothalia
1344-7610 1347-3735 Breeding Science
0958-0956 0000-0000 British Wildlife
0007-196X 0000-0000 Brittonia
0007-2745 0000-0000 Bryologist
0366-1326 0000-0000 Bulletin Mensuel de la Societe Linneenne de Lyon
0079-032X 0000-0000 Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History
0008-0845 1097-0967 California Agriculture
0706-0661 0000-0000 Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology
0008-4220 0000-0000 Canadian Journal of Plant Science
0373-2967 0000-0000 Candollea
0008-7475 0000-0000 Castanea
0009-3130 1573-8388 Chemistry of Natural Compounds
1005-264X 0000-0000 Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology
1001-7216 0000-0000 Chinese Journal of Rice Science
1809-6875 1984-3909 Coffee Science
0010-0730 1989-1067 Collectanea Botanica
0069-9616 2067-3094 Contributii Botanice
0735-2689 1549-7836 Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences
1836-0947 1444-9838 Crop and Pasture Science
2095-5421 2214-5141 Crop Journal
0181-1568 0000-0000 Cryptogamie, Algologie
1290-0796 0000-0000 Cryptogamie, Bryologie
1369-5266 0000-0000 Current Opinion in Plant Biology
0011-4545 0000-0000 Cytologia
1212-1975 1805-9325 Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding
1211-0981 1805-1421 Czech Mycology
0011-6793 0000-0000 Darwiniana
1641-1307 2083-8387 Dendrobiology
1125-7865 0000-0000 Dendrochronologia
1300-008X 1303-6106 Doga, Turkish Journal of Botany
2337-0173 2336-9744 Ecologica Montenegrina
0013-0001 0000-0000 Economic Botany
0960-4286 1474-0036 Edinburgh Journal of Botany
1110-1768 0000-0000 Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control
0098-8472 0000-0000 Environmental and Experimental Botany
1880-554X 1883-0986 Environmental Control in Biology
2352-1864 0000-0000 Environmental Technology and Innovation
0250-8052 1365-2338 EPPO Bulletin
1547-3465 0000-0000 Ethnobotany Research and Applications
0014-2336 1573-5060 Euphytica
1161-0301 0000-0000 European Journal of Agronomy
1612-4669 1612-4677 European Journal of Forest Research
0967-0262 0000-0000 European Journal of Phycology
0929-1873 1573-8469 European Journal of Plant Pathology
0014-8962 1522-239X Feddes Repertorium
1468-1641 0000-0000 Field Mycology
1120-4052 0000-0000 Flora Mediterranea
1138-5952 1988-799X Flora Montiberica
0367-2530 0000-0000 Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants
1406-2070 1736-7786 Folia Cryptogamica Estonica
1211-9520 0000-0000 Folia Geobotanica
0015-7473 0000-0000 Forest Products Journal
1001-1498 0000-0000 Forest Research
1802-5439 1805-4927 Fottea
1640-629X 0000-0000 Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica
1664-462X 0000-0000 Frontiers in Plant Science
1445-4408 0000-0000 Functional Plant Biology
1754-5048 0000-0000 Fungal Ecology
0016-5301 0717-6643 Gayana - Botanica
0925-9864 1573-5109 Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution
0016-6707 1573-6857 Genetica
0534-0012 1820-6069 Genetika
0017-2294 0000-0000 Gorteria: Tijdschrift voor Onderzoek aan de Wilde Flora
0017-3134 0000-0000 Grana
1744-6961 0000-0000 Grassland Science
1581-4661 1854-9829 Hacquetia
1568-9883 0000-0000 Harmful Algae
1043-4534 1938-2944 Harvard Papers in Botany
1070-0048 0000-0000 Haseltonia
1791-3691 0000-0000 Hellenic Plant Protection Journal
0102-0536 1806-9991 Horticultura Brasileira
2211-3452 2211-3460 Horticulture Environment and Biotechnology
2189-0102 2189-0110 Horticulture Journal
0928-1541 0000-0000 IAWA Journal
0073-4705 0000-0000 Iheringia - Serie Botanica
1054-5476 1475-2689 In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant
0970-6399 0000-0000 Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry
0367-8245 0976-058X Indian Journal of Agricultural Research
0972-5849 0975-0967 Indian Journal of Biotechnology
0019-5200 0975-6906 Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding
0976-0504 0976-0512 Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources
0303-6960 0974-4444 Indian Journal of Nematology
0019-5502 0974-0252 Indian Journal of Plant Physiology
1540-7063 0000-0000 Integrative and Comparative Biology
1811-9700 1811-9719 International Journal of Botany
1687-9368 1687-9376 International Journal of Forestry Research
1553-8362 0000-0000 International Journal of Fruit Science
1522-6514 1549-7879 International Journal of Phytoremediation
2037-0156 2037-0164 International Journal of Plant Biology
1687-5370 1687-5389 International Journal of Plant Genomics
1735-6814 0000-0000 International Journal of Plant Production
1058-5893 1537-5315 International Journal of Plant Sciences
1931-5260 1931-5279 International Journal of Vegetable Science
1521-9429 0000-0000 International Journal on Algae
1939-7291 1939-747X Invasive Plant Science and Management
2228-5512 2322-2808 Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology
0792-9978 0000-0000 Israel Journal of Plant Sciences
1867-0911 0000-0000 Journal fur Kulturpflanzen
0931-2250 0000-0000 Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science
1018-7081 2309-8694 Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences
1643-4439 2299-4831 Journal of Apicultural Science
1613-9216 0000-0000 Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality
0972-1045 0000-0000 Journal of Applied Horticulture
0921-8971 1573-5176 Journal of Applied Phycology
2214-7861 0000-0000 Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
2287-884X 2287-9544 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity
1878-5093 1878-5123 Journal of Berry Research
1826-8838 2284-0230 Journal of Biological Research (Italy)
0974-391X 2230-8385 Journal of Biopesticides
2090-0120 2090-0139 Journal of Botany
0373-6687 0000-0000 Journal of Bryology
1542-7528 1542-7536 Journal of Crop Improvement
1975-9479 2005-8276 Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology
0022-0477 1365-2745 Journal of Ecology
0278-0771 0000-0000 Journal of Ethnobiology
0022-0957 1460-2431 Journal of Experimental Botany
0022-1201 0000-0000 Journal of Forestry
1345-2630 1610-739X Journal of General Plant Pathology
2353-3978 2300-5009 Journal of Horticultural Research
2095-3119 0000-0000 Journal of Integrative Agriculture
1672-9072 1744-7909 Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
0022-3646 1529-8817 Journal of Phycology
0931-1785 1439-0434 Journal of Phytopathology
0971-7811 0000-0000 Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
1226-9239 0000-0000 Journal of Plant Biology
1229-2818 0000-0000 Journal of Plant Biotechnology
1861-3829 1861-3837 Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection
1752-9921 1752-993X Journal of Plant Ecology
0721-7595 1435-8107 Journal of Plant Growth Regulation
1742-9145 1742-9153 Journal of Plant Interactions
1436-8730 1522-2624 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science
1125-4653 0000-0000 Journal of Plant Pathology
0176-1617 0000-0000 Journal of Plant Physiology
1427-4345 0000-0000 Journal of Plant Protection Research
0918-9440 1618-0860 Journal of Plant Research
1004-0978 0000-0000 Journal of Plant Resources and Environment
0718-9516 0000-0000 Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
1674-4918 0000-0000 Journal of Systematics and Evolution
1934-5259 0000-0000 Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas
0972-172X 0976-8432 Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science
0859-3132 0000-0000 Journal of the International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences
1938-663X 0000-0000 Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development
1095-5674 0000-0000 Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society
1100-9233 0000-0000 Journal of Vegetation Science
0453-3402 0000-0000 Karstenia
0075-5974 0000-0000 Kew Bulletin
1409-3871 0000-0000 Lankesteriana
0210-9778 1988-3307 Lazaroa
0250-5371 0000-0000 Legume Research
0105-0761 2001-5909 Lindbergia
1001-7488 0000-0000 Linye Kexue/Scientia Silvae Sinicae
0025-6153 2279-8013 Maydica
0975-4261 0975-6892 Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries
1342-6311 1347-4405 Microbes and Environments
0026-3648 0000-0000 Mikologiya I Fitopatologiya
1380-3743 1572-9788 Molecular Breeding
1674-2052 1752-9867 Molecular Plant
1464-6722 1364-3703 Molecular Plant Pathology
0077-1813 0000-0000 Muelleria
0940-6360 1432-1890 Mycorrhiza
0093-4666 0000-0000 Mycotaxon
1934-578X 1555-9475 Natural Product Communications
1478-6419 0000-0000 Natural Product Research
2055-026X 0000-0000 Nature Plants
1619-0033 1314-2488 NeoBiota
2042-3489 2042-3497 New Journal of Botany
2352-0264 0000-0000 New Negatives in Plant Science
0028-646X 1469-8137 New Phytologist
0028-8233 0000-0000 New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research
0028-825X 0000-0000 New Zealand Journal of Botany
0048-0134 0000-0000 New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science
1573-5214 0000-0000 NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences
0107-055X 0000-0000 Nordic Journal of Botany
1937-786X 0000-0000 North American Fungi
0255-965X 1842-4309 Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca
0029-5035 1438-9134 Nova Hedwigia
1055-3177 0000-0000 Novon
0568-5435 0000-0000 Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii
0085-4417 2200-2790 Nuytsia
1941-7519 1941-7527 Opuscula Philolichenum
0552-9034 2076-0906 Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences
0556-3321 2070-3368 Pakistan Journal of Botany
1433-8319 0000-0000 Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
0973-7847 0976-2787 Pharmacognosy Reviews
0166-8595 1573-5079 Photosynthesis Research
0300-3604 1573-9058 Photosynthetica
0031-8884 0000-0000 Phycologia
0031-9317 1399-3054 Physiologia Plantarum
0885-5765 0000-0000 Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology
0971-5894 0000-0000 Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants
0958-0344 1099-1565 Phytochemical Analysis
0031-9422 0000-0000 Phytochemistry
1874-3900 0000-0000 Phytochemistry Letters
1568-7767 0000-0000 Phytochemistry Reviews
0340-269X 0000-0000 Phytocoenologia
1314-2011 1314-2003 PhytoKeys
0031-9457 1851-5657 Phyton
0334-2123 0000-0000 Phytoparasitica
0031-9465 1593-2095 Phytopathologia Mediterranea
0031-949X 0000-0000 Phytopathology
1179-3155 1179-3163 Phytotaxa
0032-0781 1471-9053 Plant and Cell Physiology
0032-079X 1573-5036 Plant and Soil
0972-5210 0000-0000 Plant Archives
1435-8603 0000-0000 Plant Biology
1126-3504 0000-0000 Plant Biosystems
1342-4580 1347-6114 Plant Biotechnology
1467-7644 1467-7652 Plant Biotechnology Journal
1863-5466 1863-5474 Plant Biotechnology Reports
0179-9541 1439-0523 Plant Breeding
1040-4651 1532-298X Plant Cell
0721-7714 1432-203X Plant Cell Reports
0191-2917 0000-0000 Plant Disease
1385-0237 1573-5052 Plant Ecology
1755-0874 1755-1668 Plant Ecology and Diversity
2032-3913 2032-3921 Plant Ecology and Evolution
1479-2621 0000-0000 Plant Genetic Resources: Characterisation and Utilisation
1940-3372 0000-0000 Plant Genome
0167-6903 1573-5087 Plant Growth Regulation
1535-1025 0000-0000 Plant Health Progress
0960-7412 1365-313X Plant Journal
1746-4811 0000-0000 Plant Methods
0167-4412 1573-5028 Plant Molecular Biology
0735-9640 0000-0000 Plant Molecular Biology Reporter
1836-0661 1836-3644 Plant OMICS
0032-0862 1365-3059 Plant Pathology
0032-0889 1532-2548 Plant Physiology
0981-9428 0000-0000 Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
2194-7953 2194-7961 Plant Reproduction
1881-6754 0000-0000 Plant Root
0168-9452 0000-0000 Plant Science
1559-2316 0000-0000 Plant Signaling and Behavior
2280-1855 0000-0000 Plant Sociology
0913-557X 1442-1984 Plant Species Biology
0378-2697 1615-6110 Plant Systematics and Evolution
0140-7791 1365-3040 Plant, Cell and Environment
0032-0935 1432-2048 Planta
0100-8358 0000-0000 Planta Daninha
0032-7786 2570-950X Preslia
1311-9109 0000-0000 Propagation of Ornamental Plants
0033-183X 1615-6102 Protoplasma
1307-6167 0000-0000 Records of Natural Products
0100-8404 0000-0000 Revista Brasileira de Botanica
0100-2945 0000-0000 Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura
1027-152X 0000-0000 Revista Chapingo, Serie Horticultura
1028-4796 0000-0000 Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales
0325-8718 1669-2314 Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias
0378-7818 0000-0000 Revista de la Facultad de Agronomia
0370-4661 0000-0000 Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias
0187-7380 0000-0000 Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana
0971-2313 0000-0000 Rheedea
0035-4902 0000-0000 Rhodora
1939-8425 0000-0000 Rice
1672-6308 0000-0000 Rice Science
0370-6583 2175-7860 Rodriguesia
1021-4437 1608-3407 Russian Journal of Plant Physiology
1682-3559 0000-0000 Russian Journal of Theriology
1519-1125 1983-2443 Scientia Agraria
0251-0952 0000-0000 Seed Science and Technology
0960-2585 0000-0000 Seed Science Research
0038-0768 0000-0000 Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
0254-6299 0000-0000 South African Journal of Botany
0257-1862 0000-0000 South African Journal of Plant and Soil
2067-9874 2068-7958 South-Western Journal of Horticulture, Biology and Environment
0100-5405 1980-5454 Summa Phytopathologica
0082-0598 0000-0000 Sydowia
0363-6445 1548-2324 Systematic Botany
1477-2000 1478-0933 Systematics and Biodiversity
1300-7580 2148-9297 Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi
0040-0262 0000-0000 Taxon
0312-9764 0000-0000 Telopea
2465-423X 0495-3843 Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany)
1210-0420 0000-0000 Thaiszia Journal of Botany
0006-8101 0000-0000 The Botanical Review
0829-318X 0000-0000 Tree Physiology
0931-1890 0000-0000 Trees - Structure and Function
1360-1385 0000-0000 Trends in Plant Science
0564-3295 0000-0000 Tropical Ecology
1935-9756 1935-9764 Tropical Plant Biology
1982-5676 0000-0000 Tropical Plant Pathology
0722-494X 0000-0000 Tuexenia
1560-7259 1560-7267 Turczaninowia
0888-9708 0000-0000 US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service - Resource Bulletin
0887-4840 0000-0000 USDA Forest Service - General Technical Report PNW
0277-5786 0000-0000 USDA Forest Service - General Technical Report RMRS-GTR
0502-4994 0000-0000 USDA Forest Service - Research Note RMRS-RN
0882-5165 0000-0000 USDA Forest Service - Research Papers PNW-RP
0939-6314 1617-6278 Vegetation History and Archaeobotany
0970-4078 0000-0000 Vegetos
1614-7103 0000-0000 Waldokologie Online
0083-7792 0000-0000 Webbia
0043-1737 1365-3180 Weed Research
0043-1745 1550-2759 Weed Science
0890-037X 1550-2740 Weed Technology
0511-9618 0000-0000 Willdenowia
0043-7719 1432-5225 Wood Science and Technology
1561-882X 0000-0000 Wulfenia
1431-9292 0000-0000 Zeitschrift fur Arznei- und Gewurzpflanzen


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