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Scopus Indexed Journals in Management

Scopus Indexed Management Journals

Scopus Indexed Management Journals

E-ISSN          Source Title                          
1941-6067 : Academy of Management Annals
1468-4489 : Accounting Education
1749-3374 : Accounting History
2155-286X : Accounting History Review
1558-7975 : Accounting Horizons
1744-9499 : Accounting in Europe
1046-5715 : Advances in Accounting
1751-6455 : Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting
1526-4025 : Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry
1752-7589 : Architectural Engineering and Design Management
1744-7941 : Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources
1741-6507 : Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research
2180-4184 : Asian Academy of Management Journal
1985-8299 : Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance
1476-9328 : Asian Business and Management
2180-3137 : Asian Journal of Business and Accounting
2158-6721 : Asian Journal of Technology Innovation
1757-4331 : Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration

1783-1350 : ASTIN Bulletin
1835-2561 : Australian Accounting Review
1327-2020 : Australian Journal of Management
1558-8009 : Behavioral Research in Accounting
1748-605X : Biomedical materials (Bristol, England)
1095-8347 : British Accounting Review
1467-8543 : British Journal of Industrial Relations
1467-8551 : British Journal of Management
1533-4465 : Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
1469-3569 : Business and Politics
1467-8594 : Business and Society Review
1099-0836 : Business Strategy and the Environment
1557-5047 : Career Development for Exceptional Individuals
1752-1890 : Coaching
1545-2549 : Collection Management
1619-6988 : Computational Management Science
1466-433X : Construction Management and Economics
1477-223X : Consumption Markets and Culture
1465-7287 : Contemporary Economic Policy
1467-8683 : Corporate Governance
1479-1889 : Corporate Reputation Review
1535-3966 : Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
1467-8691 : Creativity and Innovation Management
1095-9955 : Critical Perspectives on Accounting
1900-7205 : Cuadernos de Administracion
1988-2157 : Cuadernos de Gestion
1477-2760 : Culture and Organization
1540-5915 : Decision Sciences
1540-4609 : Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education
1465-7295 : Economic Inquiry
1435-8131 : Economics of Governance
1476-8364 : Economics of Innovation and New Technology
1777-5582 : Economie Internationale
1741-1440 : Educational Management Administration and Leadership
1365-232X : Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
1467-2235 : Enterprise and Society
1464-5114 : Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
1468-4497 : European Accounting Review
1468-036X : European Financial Management
1751-6765 : European Journal of International Management
1572-9990 : European Journal of Law and Economics
1314-0817 : European Journal of Tourism Research
1740-4762 : European Management Review
1746-031X : European Sport Management Quarterly
1466-4372 : Feminist Economics
1555-497X : Financial Markets and Portfolio Management
1475-5890 : Fiscal Studies
1673-7431 : Frontiers of Business Research in China
1468-0432 : Gender, Work and Organization
1468-0440 : Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice
1745-1329 : Global Business and Economics Review
1468-0491 : Governance
1572-9907 : Group Decision and Negotiation
1550-5030 : Health Care Management Review
1545-0864 : Health Marketing Quarterly
1532-7043 : Human Performance
1532-1096 : Human Resource Development Quarterly
1009-050X : Human Resource Management
1471-6798 : IMA Journal Management Mathematics
2041-417X : IMF Economic Review
1753-8262 : Indian Growth and Development Review
1468-232X : Industrial Relations
1862-0035 : Industrielle Beziehungen
1469-8390 : Industry and Innovation
1533-7979 : IRMJ - Information Resources Management Journal
1087-6537 : Information Society
1573-7667 : Information Technology and Management
1537-2618 : Innovation Policy and the Economy
1526-551X : Interfaces
1864-5747 : International Commerce Review
1740-8016 : International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation
1861-9916 : International Journal of Action Research
1755-8085 : International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences
1755-8921 : International Journal of Applied Management Science
1099-1123 : International Journal of Auditing
1755-3849 : International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance
1741-5020 : International Journal of Biotechnology
1753-3635 : International Journal of Business and Globalisation
1548-064X : International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking
1756-0055 : International Journal of Business Excellence
1741-802X : International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics
1746-0980 : International Journal of Business Information Systems
1743-8195 : International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining
1741-5039 : International Journal of Business Performance Management
1741-8771 : International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management
1741-2838 : International Journal of Cross Cultural Management
1759-1171 : International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management
1746-6539 : International Journal of Disclosure and Governance
1548-114X : International Journal of e-Business Research
1750-0672 : International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management
1741-1033 : International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing
1548-1123 : International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems
1748-1260 : International Journal of Enterprise Network Management
1742-5379 : International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing
1741-5098 : International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
1741-8054 : International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
1099-1158 : International Journal of Finance and Economics
1479-3067 : International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business
1741-8488 : International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing
1470-3610 : International Journal of Heritage Studies
1525-6499 : International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration
1947-3486 : International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals
1466-4399 : International Journal of Human Resource Management
1741-5160 : International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management
2008-8310 : International Journal of Information Science and Management
1947-8194 : International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design
1479-313X : International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management
1741-8089 : International Journal of Innovation and Learning
1740-8830 : International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development
1741-8097 : International Journal of Integrated Supply Management
1478-9655 : International Journal of Intellectual Property Management
1741-8100 : International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising
1539-3054 : International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research
1743-8276 : International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies
1447-9575 : International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management
2040-4476 : International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development
1479-4861 : International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital
1469-848X : International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications
1742-7975 : International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management
1741-8127 : International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development
1750-3868 : International Journal of Management in Education
1741-8143 : International Journal of Management Practice
1468-2370 : International Journal of Management Reviews
1741-5195 : International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management
1748-0949 : International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment
1744-2850 : International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation
1741-5225 : International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations
1753-8440 : International Journal of Procurement Management
1741-8178 : International Journal of Product Development
1743-5129 : International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management
1366-588X : International Journal of Production Research
1746-6482 : International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management
1532-4265 : International Journal of Public Administration
1741-8186 : International Journal of Revenue Management
1741-5241 : International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management
1468-2389 : International Journal of Selection and Assessment
1744-2389 : International Journal of Services and Operations Management
1740-8857 : International Journal of Services and Standards
1741-5403 : International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics
1741-525X : International Journal of Services, Technology and Management
1756-6525 : International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics
1479-2753 : International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage
1930-076X : International Journal of Sport Finance
1740-2808 : International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing
1742-7231 : International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing
0976-4348 : International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management
1746-5389 : International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship
1753-1950 : International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development
1741-5276 : International Journal of Technology Management
1741-5292 : International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management
1466-1829 : International Journal of the Economics of Business
1469-9257 : International Journal of the Legal Profession
1522-1970 : International Journal of Tourism Research
1468-2419 : International Journal of Training and Development
1741-5365 : International Journal of Value Chain Management
2043-9040 : International Journal of Work Innovation
1740-8946 : International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion
1471-6445 : International Labor and Working-Class History
1564-913X : International Labour Review
1531-5088 : International Organization
1932-1473 : International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics
1466-4402 : International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research
1865-1992 : International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing
1558-0911 : International Studies of Management and Organization
1573-6970 : International Tax and Public Finance
1521-0545 : International Trade Journal
1812-9358 : Investment Management and Financial Innovations
1558-7983 : Issues in Accounting Education
1862-0019 : Journal for East European Management Studies
1746-9678 : Journal for Global Business Advancement
1475-679X : Journal of Accounting Research
1569-9838 : Journal of Asian Pacific Communication
1528-6940 : Journal of Asia-Pacific Business
1099-0771 : Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
1479-1803 : Journal of Brand Management
1573-353X : Journal of Business and Psychology
1573-0697 : Journal of Business Ethics
1547-0628 : Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
1573-3548 : Journal of Career Development
1548-7725 : Journal of Cases on Information Technology
1479-1811 : Journal of Change Management
1478-565X : Journal of Commercial Biotechnology
1468-5965 : Journal of Common Market Studies
1741-2900 : Journal of Consumer Culture
1532-7663 : Journal of Consumer Psychology
1537-5277 : Journal of Consumer Research
1468-5973 : Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management
1547-0156 : Journal of Convention and Event Tourism
1741-2447 : Journal of Database Marketing and Customer Strategy Management
1746-0174 : Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice
1860-7128 : Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination
1530-9134 : Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
1617-7134 : Journal of Economics/ Zeitschrift für Nationalokonomie
1558-7940 : Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting
1528-2651 : Journal of Entrepreneurship Education
1432-1386 : Journal of Evolutionary Economics
1540-6261 : Journal of Finance
1475-6803 : Journal of Financial Research
1479-1846 : Journal of Financial Services Marketing
1573-0735 : Journal of Financial Services Research
1540-4102 : Journal of Food Products Marketing
1099-131X : Journal of Forecasting
1096-9934 : Journal of Futures Markets
1533-7995 : Journal of Global Information Management
1528-6975 : Journal of Global Marketing
1557-7554 : Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
1936-8631 : Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management
1548-8004 : Journal of Human Resources
1533-2853 : Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism
1553-166X : Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
1467-6451 : Journal of Industrial Economics
2013-0953 : Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
1466-4437 : Journal of Information Technology
1557-1327 : Journal of Information, Information Technology, and Organizations
1520-6653 : Journal of Interactive Marketing
1558-8025 : Journal of International Accounting Research
1478-6990 : Journal of International Business Studies
1467-646X : Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting
1528-6983 : Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing
1547-7215 : Journal of International Marketing
1533-287X : Journal of Internet Commerce
1537-5307 : Journal of Labor Economics
1465-7341 : Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization
1558-8033 : Journal of Management Accounting Research
2191-477X : Journal of Management Control
1552-6658 : Journal of Management Education
1467-6486 : Journal of Management Studies
1547-7185 : Journal of Marketing
1540-7039 : Journal of Marketing Channels
1466-4445 : Journal of Marketing Communications
1540-7144 : Journal of Marketing for Higher Education
1547-7193 : Journal of Marketing Research
1745-7912 : Journal of Medical Marketing
2042-8707 : Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice
1538-4616 : Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
1573-7705 : Journal of Network and Systems Management
2151-318X : Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics
1540-6997 : Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing
1099-1379 : Journal of Organizational Behavior
1540-8604 : Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
1520-6688 : Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
1940-7971 : Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events
1537-7865 : Journal of Political Marketing
1540-5885 : Journal of Product Innovation Management
1573-0441 : Journal of Productivity Analysis
1477-9803 : Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
1573-045X : Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
1533-2675 : Journal of Relationship Marketing
1477-657X : Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management
1539-6975 : Journal of Risk and Insurance
1573-0476 : Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
1466-4461 : Journal of Risk Research
1540-627X : Journal of Small Business Management
1029-5399 : Journal of Sport and Tourism
1543-270X : Journal of Sport Management
1466-4488 : Journal of Strategic Marketing
1558-8017 : Journal of the American Taxation Association
1540-7306 : Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing
1479-1870 : Journal of Vacation Marketing
1548-0585 : Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology
1095-9084 : Journal of Vocational Behavior
1099-1441 : Knowledge and Process Management
1477-8246 : Knowledge Management Research and Practice
1469-9702 : Labor History
1745-8188 : Labour History Review
1528-6932 : Latin American Business Review
1742-7169 : Leadership
1521-0588 : Leisure Sciences
1466-4496 : Leisure Studies
2151-2221 : Leisure/ Loisir
1846-3363 : Management
1096-1224 : Management Accounting Research
1740-8784 : Management and Organization Review
2067-7561 : Management in Health
1861-8901 : Management International Review
1526-5501 : Management Science
1099-1468 : Managerial and Decision Economics
1526-5498 : Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
1573-059X : Marketing Letters
1526-548X : Marketing Science
1741-301X : Marketing Theory
1467-9965 : Mathematical Finance
1872-9185 : Museum Management and Curatorship
1871-4765 : NanoEthics
1571-9979 : Negotiation Journal
1468-005X : New Technology, Work and Employment
1542-7854 : Nonprofit Management & Leadership
1866-1505 : Operational Research
1936-9743 : Operations Management Research
0975-0320 : OPSEARCH
1526-5455 : Organization Science
1095-9920 : Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
1750-208X : Pensions
1937-8327 : Performance Improvement Quarterly
1751-8059 : Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
1751-4312 : Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Management, Procurement and Law
1366-5871 : Production Planning and Control
1520-6793 : Psychology and Marketing
1540-6210 : Public Administration Review
1467-9302 : Public Money and Management
1573-7098 : Public Organization Review
1338-984X : Quality Innovation Prosperity
1467-9310 : R and D Management
1540-6229 : Real Estate Economics
1703-8138 : Relations Industrielles
1573-7136 : Review of Accounting Studies
1465-7368 : Review of Financial Studies
1573-7160 : Review of Industrial Organization
1559-744X : Review of International Organizations
1863-6691 : Review of Managerial Science
1573-7179 : Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting
1983-0807 : Revista Brasileira de Gestao de Negocios
1773-0198 : Revue d'Economie Industrielle
1782-1525 : Revue Internationale de Droit Economique
1540-6296 : Risk Management and Insurance Review
1364-2626 : School Leadership and Management
1471-5546 : Science and Engineering Ethics
1862-8508 : Service Business
1863-2394 : Service Oriented Computing and Applications
1533-2977 : Services Marketing Quarterly
1573-0913 : Small Business Economics
1758-857X : Social Responsibility Journal
1588-970X : Society and Economy
2150-1173 : SPE Economics and Management
1932-443X : Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
1097-0266 : Strategic Management Journal
1741-315X : Strategic Organization
1099-1727 : System Dynamics Review
1573-9295 : Systemic Practice and Action Research
1099-1743 : Systems Research and Behavioral Science
1472-9296 : The Journal of Industrial Relations
1478-3371 : Total Quality Management and Business Excellence
1742-9692 : Tourism and Hospitality Research
1470-1340 : Tourism Geographies
2156-8324 : Tourism Planning and Development
1934-7715 : Visitor Studies
1564-698X : World Bank Economic Review
1467-9701 : World Economy
1746-0581 : World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development
1846-7520 : Zbornik Radova Ekonomskog Fakultet au Rijeci
1865-9748 : Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft
1614-2411 : 4OR


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