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MJC - Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry

The Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry is an international, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing high-quality communications, research papers, and reviews across all areas of chemistry. The journal serves as an online platform for the latest advancements and discoveries in the field, providing novel information that has not previously appeared in any other chemistry journals.

Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry

This journal aims to complement existing online chemistry journals by offering diverse, original research topics. It seeks to engage the global chemistry and physics research communities, providing a comprehensive array of articles across all specialties within chemistry.

  • Open Access: All articles are freely available online, increasing visibility, citations, and impact.
  • Continuous Publication: Accepted manuscripts are published online immediately, ensuring timely dissemination.

Subject Area

MJC-Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry

Abstracting and Indexing

The Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry is widely indexed, ensuring extensive reach within the academic community:

  • Scopus, CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service)
  • ISI (International Scientific Indexing), SciFinder
  • DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), ABC-Chemistry
  • CrossRef, Google Scholar
  • U.S. National Library of Medicine
  • WorldCat, ESJI (Eurasian Scientific Journal Index)
  • SIS (Scientific Indexing Services)

For more details, visit the Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry website.


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